About us

Are you looking for an efficient and reliable partner for transport of non-hazardous liquids on inland waterways in all of Europe?

West European inland waterways hold no secrets for us. It is where we carry non-hazardous, liquid cargoes with our fleet of more than 60 double-walled tanker barges day in day out….

for the very first sailing of Maaskade Bevrachters we need to return to 1961. That was when the enterprise started as a carrier of molasses and vinasse for the feed and fermentation industries…

the barges of Maaskade Bevrachters navigate all West European inland waterways from Amsterdam to Basel and from Hamburg to Budapest…

Where we sail the most









More facts about us



satisfied customers



Employable barges



years of experience


quality control “from farm to fork”


Our quality control is an important link in the route “from farm to fork”. In practice this means that the whole chain is transparent and that the safety risks are visible at any time. As part of this chain Maaskade Bevrachters meets all statutory guidelines, official ordinances and customer requirements. Our quality management system is certified in accordance with the standards of ISO 9001: 2015 and the GMP+. In that way you are assured that foodstuffs or their raw materials are safely carried to the end users.


Our quality system ensures a satisfied clientele who rely on our barges being loaded at a constant quality level at a competitive cost price.


Products that we carry

If it is liquid and non-hazardous we can carry it. For all other liquid products you best moor with Maaskade Bevrachters.

Vegetable oil
Liquid feed
Water solutions

Vegetable oil

The specialty of Maaskade Bevrachters, is the transport across water of vegetable and edible oils and fats for the food industry. In this connection our high standard for food safety is called upon every day. An overview of the oils that we carry for you:

  • Rape oil
  • Soy oil
  • Palm oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Etc.

Liquid feed

Liquid feed is a mixture of grains (residues that are released for instance after alcohol production) with water that is immediately suitable for consumption by the cattle. From the factories where it is released the product is taken direct to a storage location.


Molasses is a syrupy by-product of the production of sugar from sugar cane or sugar beets. It contains approximately 50% sugar but cannot be consumed by people in an unprocessed state owing to the presence of some other substances. Molasses is used as an ingredient for foodstuffs. Molasses is also often used as raw material within the fermentation industry. Examples are: (baker’s) yeast, citric acid, lysine, bioethanol and consumption alcohol.

Maaskade Bevrachters is an expert in the fields of:

  • Beet molasses
  • Cane molasses
  • Vinasse
  • B syrup


Slurry is a liquid, pumpable mixture of chalk for use in the paper industry. With specially designed barges Maaskade Bevrachters is the specialist in transport of:

  • Calcium carbonate slurry
  • Kaolin slurry
  • Etc

Water solutions

Everything that has been dissolved in water can be carried by Maaskade Bevrachters. Examples are:

  • Calcium chloride solutions
  • Magnesium chloride solutions
  • Liquid fertilizer
  • Brine
  • Aviform


Do you have specific wishes or demands? Then Maaskade Bevrachters is always prepared to deploy a dedicated shipbarge for you on a turnkey basis. The cargo section can then be adapted to the product to be carried.


For instance for:

  • Glue
  • Silicones
  • Water glass

Our Barges

The Maaskade fleet consists of more than 60 barges with experienced, independent skippers who will take your products to the final destination in a safe manner.

We have more than 60 different barges to serve you

Click below for our whole fleet and specifications.

View list

Our employees

Erik van der Mijle


Karin de Pauw


Leentje Cnudde


we are looking For you!

Within the Maaskade group we are always on the look-out for good professionals for our fleet.

Contact us

Please don’t hesitate to contact us, complete this form and we shall reply as soon as possible.

Get in touch

Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00


Maasboulevard 268
3331 ML Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands

Call us:

+31(0)78 - 6820 900

Get in touch

Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00


Voorhavenlaan 14
9000 Gent, Belgium

Call us:

+32 9 330 31 56